Performed by Lindsay Head, Megan Kendzior, Lai Yi Ohlsen, and Tara Sheena

declare yourself, for today

become interested in the nuances of your authenticity

find the thing you've been looking for

create a new relationship with someone

be relentlessly curious with them

find a molecular alignment

reach out towards heart and humanity

consider how the moving body can be haven & hazard

consider growing roots without realizing

put your feet down

find alone time in public space

unearth the magnetism of these people and this place

From the email sent to the collaborators a week before the show:

I'm calling this a farewell score and am thinking about letting go
of the things that are no longer serving us. I think it will be a 10
minute score that starts with a 3 minute section all together with a
song and a few set moves (which we can learn together the day of the performance), and moves into three two minute loops where we're alone along the edges and corners of the room, and ends with a one minute group song and movement section.

I have some specific architectural plans for how we'll use the living room space within this score and will share these ideas with you when we're in the space together. We may repeat it multiple times throughout the night in shorter segments - I'm not sure exactly
what the evening will look like but we'll be sharing the space with
some phenomenal artists.

I’m feeling most excited about the intimacy and connection that I have with each of you individually and the prospect of building something together that identifies threads between us all.

Pie, Performance and Autumnal Pie happened on Saturday, October 28, 2017 from 8pm-midnight in Crown Heights Brooklyn

8:30 & 10:15 ​farewell score by ​

Megan Kendzior​ 

8:45 & 10:30 rose + jimmy by ​

Kim Savarino​

9:05 & 11:20 clarinet practice with 

stevie may​ & Lucie Vítková

9:25 & 11:06 Between Walled Rooms​ by ​Tara Sheena

9:45 & 10:50 Triplefate by ​Eli Tamondong / Projectile Imagery